Política y género en la propaganda de la Antigüedad

Antecedentes y legado

Política y género en la propaganda de la Antigüedad - Almudena Domínguez Arranz - Trea
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The series of works that brings this work revolves around two points: reassessment of gender in historiography and which constitutes its core, that is, the use of the public image of women. To provide answers to some of the questions, several tests are proposed from different viewpoints, af in exploring cultural similarities and differences in the context of the western Mediterranean, from early history to Roman times. The purpose is to find out how it has operated over the image of women to reinforce patriarchal and androcentric ideology in society and how it has addressed this issue from literature, archeology, numismatics and epigraphy. Manipulation of public opinion is not something inherent to the past but part of all historical periods and is apparent in the contemporary, where the female icon wins advertising slogans. It is configured and modeled a pattern to accommodate the me...read more

Category: All >> History >> Ancient world

Book: Política y género en la propaganda de la Antigüedad

ISBN: 9788497047050
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 25%