Quiero ser científico

Quiero ser científico

Quiero ser científico - Elena Gatti - Siruela
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Hard cover

Immerse yourself in the exciting professions of science. An entertaining guide with entertaining illustrations and helpful tips.

Sometimes they enter the forests and jungles, others dive into the ocean. They can spend their lives with their eyes lost in the sky, contemplating the stars and planets, or very concentrated on earth, either by studying volcanoes and ground movements, or by patiently searching for the remains of creatures that lived on our planet millions of years ago. They are curious, attentive, passionate and like adventure. They study and know the past, but their discoveries make us better understand the present and also change the future. And even though they have different professions, they're all scientists.

Find in this book everything you want to know about various disciplines of science: archaeology, marine biology, astronomy, veterinary, volcanology...read more


Category: All >> Childish

Book: Quiero ser científico

ISBN: 9788417454005
Precio de lista: $715.00
Descuento: 35%