Sexo y mentiras

La vida sexual en Marruecos

Sexo y mentiras - Leila Slimani - Cabaret Voltaire
Publisher name: 
Cabaret Voltaire
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Sex and lies is the voice, strong and sincere, of a Moroccan youth who lives gagged, in a society where sex is consumed as a commodity. From childhood, girls and boys are educated by instilling a self-consciousness and shame that will mark their entire lives. Lying is the norm as long as honor, virginity, and appearances are saved. In Morocco, this immense sexual misery is used as a submission tool; the law punishes and prohibits all sexual relations outside of marriage. The women Leila Slimani meets with confidently entrusted her with her sex life. The vast majority try to free themselves, in an intimate, heartbreaking combat. Faced with social hypocrisy, young women have only one alternative: virgin or wife.


Book: Sexo y mentiras

ISBN: 9788494710834
Precio de lista: $595.00
Descuento: 25%