Sobre el poder y la ideología

Sobre el poder y la ideología - Noam Chomsky  - Machado Libros
Publisher name: 
Machado Libros
Year of publication: 

The monumental work of Noam Chomsky has deserved in 1988 the prize Kyoto, the equivalent to the Nobel for ?? basic science ???. Chomsky has studied mainly two subjects: the ?? problem of Plato ??? (How do we know so much from so few data?) And the? Orwell problem ?? (How do we close our eyes to obvious data?). Published here in two volumes, corresponding to these two problems, these conferences for a non-specialized audience are already a classic reference. To its thematic wealth is joined the interest of colloquies without prejudice.

Category: All >> Social sciences >> Politics

Book: Sobre el poder y la ideología

ISBN: 9788477748496
Precio de lista: $430.00
Descuento: 25%