Teatro completo

Teatro completo - Antón Pavlovich Chéjov - Adriana Hidalgo
Publisher name: 
Adriana Hidalgo
Year of publication: 

Just over twenty years of writing earned him Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) a revolutionary place in the history of Western theater. The Seagull, Uncle Vanya, The Three Sisters and The Cherry Orchard, included in this volume with the rest of the stage production, changed the directions of realism, opened the doors to many of the major poetic modern theater and laid the foundations both the minimalist expression as a non-naturalistic realism which led to mixtures with other aesthetic. In a letter to Grigorovich of October 9, 1888 Chekhov wrote: "I ​​still do not have political, religious or philosophical foothold. Change every month; so I'm forced to stick to tell how my heroes love, marry, make children, die and speak. "So simple, so complex. A program of babbling that a hundred years later, would return in the story Raymond Carver homage Three yellow roses. The present volume recovers the...read more


Book: Teatro completo

ISBN: 9789879396872
Precio de lista: $730.00
Descuento: 25%