Un espíritu prisionero

Un espíritu prisionero - Marina Tsvietáieva - Galaxia Gutenberg
Publisher name: 
Galaxia Gutenberg
Year of publication: 

The poetic talent Tsvetaeva, one of the best voices of Russian literature of the twentieth century, is given by its concise style and the sincerity with which he expresses his innermost emotions, as an example of a strong and vital poetry that rises above the anguish and tragedy of his circumstance. This volume contains an excellent sample of his prose writings: stories and unpublished pages of a diary where large and small everyday episodes prints appear under the unmistakable stamp of its sensitivity. It also includes a brief sample of his poems, verses from youth to those who wrote shortly before taking his own life


Book: Un espíritu prisionero

ISBN: 9788481092561
Precio de lista: $650.00
Descuento: 25%