Una mirada a la amistad

Una mirada a la amistad - Martí Ávila i Serra - Olañeta
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The human being is essentially a meeting be and needs the other to perform as a person. Meeting after meeting, experience after experience, friendship flows sought and desired ways that contribute to our happiness and help us to make.

Ávila Martí i Serra (1961) holds a degree in spiritual theology. He has published several books and articles on spiritual character around the figure of St. Francis of Assisi and the Franciscan world. Currently he is working on interfaith event and the history of religion as a path to a better humanity. A look at friendship wants to be a look at what authentic human existence, which the author sees in friendship. This book takes us along a historical route from Egypt and Mesopotamia to Kant and Nietzsche, looking for the essence of true friendship, one that, from freedom and responsibility, makes two one person.

Category: All >> Spirituality

Book: Una mirada a la amistad

ISBN: 9788497161855
Precio de lista: $150.00
Descuento: 25%