Una tumba para los Romanov

Y otras historias con ADN

Una tumba para los Romanov - Raúl Alzogaray - Siglo XXI Editores
Publisher name: 
Siglo XXI Editores
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

All beings that lived or live on Earth are, in large part, the result of the instructions stored in their DNA, a helix-shaped molecule responsible for encoding genetic information. To learn its secrets, Raúl Alzogaray introduces us to that fascinating microscopic world as if we were crew of a tiny ship traveling by a human cell.

But it also reveals surprising stories of detectives, priests, emperors, and also of common men and women, in which DNA tests allowed establishing the innocence of those condemned to death, determining identities from ancient bones, demonstrating kinship relationships with missing people and even building evolutionary trees that reflect humanity's past.

Thus, the author convinces us that knowing DNA, its history, the experiments carried out to arrive at its structure, the tools to manipulate it and its applications is also to know ourselves a little more.

Category: All >> Popular science

Book: Una tumba para los Romanov

ISBN: 9786070307492
Precio de lista: $75.00
Descuento: 20%