Viaje al Oeste

Las aventuras del rey mono

Viaje al Oeste -  Anónimo - Siruela
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"This new edition in a single volume of Journey to the West comes to fill a gap as enormous as the novel itself, for we are talking about a classic of universal literature that until very recent times has remained unknown to Spanish readers . The matter is even more serious considering that King Mono, one of the protagonists of the narrative, is in China a personage as popular as it can be between us Don Quixote and Sancho Panza: neither something less nor something more. »
Jesus Ferrero

Journey to the West collects the avatars of the monk Chen Hsüan-Tsang (Tripitaka) on his long pilgrimage to India in search of Buddhist scriptures. Little by little, the weight of the action passes from the traveling monk to his three disciples, ancient immortals fallen into disgrace, who will be forced to overcome dangers and monsters, increasingly powerful and cruel, who oppose their more


Book: Viaje al Oeste

ISBN: 9788416120000
Precio de lista: $2,095.00
Descuento: 25%