Vida y obra de J. S. Bach

Vida y obra de J. S. Bach - John Butt - Akal
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Year of publication: 
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Weight: 589.7 g
Soft cover

Hand in hand with some of the most prestigious specialists in the work of Bach, this book is a suggestive and clarifying contribution to the knowledge of this key figure in the history of music. Articulated in three parts, the first deals with the historical context, society, beliefs and conception of the world of the time, something fundamental to understand in its historical-cultural coordinates the whole of the Bachian production. In the second, his works are analyzed, from the pieces for key and organ to the Passions and the Mass in B minor, while the third deals with an aspect so important to get a full idea of ​​the historical span of the Saxon composer as it is about its reception and influence, both in the compositional field and in the interpretative practices. An essential reading for anyone who wants to start and delve into the creative universe of that immense genius more


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Book: Vida y obra de J. S. Bach

ISBN: 9788446042785
Precio de lista: $730.00
Descuento: 20%