Voces de piedra

Voices of stone

Voces de piedra - Eduardo Matos Moctezuma - Inah
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Weight: 184 g

In 2007, the then President of the Republic inaugurated the exhibition Isis and the Feathered Serpent, in Monterrey, Nuevo León, which had been cured, as far as Egypt was concerned, by Dr. Zahi Hawass, a prominent Egyptian archaeologist. The part of Mesoamerica corresponded to me, and I remember that a few days before this event I had a very important sensation as a researcher: I went through the rooms destined for Egypt and remembered that my passion for this civilization had led me to study archeology. . I admired in my tour those sculptures that represented the moon goddess Isis and the way in which for nearly three thousand years, and even more, she had been worshiped. But something caught my attention. All those wonders had been made in a sandy, desert environment, eventually bathed by the overflow of the Nile River. This landscape lasted throughout those hundreds or thousands of...read more


Book: Voces de piedra

ISBN: 9786075391236
Precio de lista: $50.00
Descuento: 15%