Alejandro Oliveros

Alejandro Oliveros

Alejandro Oliveros (1948) is currently one of the most important Venezuelan poets. He studied Medicine and then obtained a Bachelor of Education. In 1971 he founded the magazine Poesía and later directed the Torrid Zone until 2008. He lived in New York between 1978 and 1981, thanks to a grant from the Guggenheim Foundation. Since 1981 he has been a professor of English and North American literature at the School of Letters of the Central University of Venezuela, and between 2004 and 2008 Head of the Department of Classical and Western Literatures. Since 1996 he has been editing, with annual deliveries, his Literary Journal. Translator of the French, English and Italian, their poetic versions will be collected soon in Voices of Others. With ten books of poetry published between 1974 and 2005, he also has the essay books Image, Objectivity and Confession: Studies on Contemporary North American Poetry (1991), Images of Siena and Florence (1991), The Look of Disappointment: John Donne and the poetry of the baroque (1992), Poets in the wasteland (2002) and The same waters (2006).