Mario Ortiz

Mario Ortiz

Mario Pablo Ortiz (Bahía Blanca, December 28, 1965) is an Argentine writer and professor of literature at the university and pre-university level.

He participated in the formation of the artistic collective Poetas Mateístas in 1985. He collaborated with the VOX publishing project and participated between 1992 and 1995 in the humorous program Maldición came the summer on La Calle FM, together with the writer Luis Sagasti and the presenter Miguel Martos . His writing experiences the intersection of literary and colloquial quotes, emulating and taking the methodical style to a certain paroxysm without leaving behind the lyrics. Proof of this are the titles of his books, which allude to the same exploration, with different episodes and themes: Cuadernos de lengua y literatura, in various volumes, which include exercises and games for analyzing what language is and what it is. capable of doing, searching deep down to think what words and things are made of.