A propósito de Deleuze

A propósito de Deleuze - José Luis Pardo - Pre-Textos
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The Gilles Deleuze is a common name in contemporary thought. Some Deleuze, one would say, goes well everywhere, something is known (Foucault dixit) to be a thinker at the height of the times. It is legitimate definitely use Deleuze to give an intellectual varnish while any proposals provocative, and sometimes it seems that their own formulations, as striking, invite it. Was not it Deleuze who said the work of a philosopher is a toolbox from which we take whatever we helpful? But it is certain that when Deleuze made this statement did not refer to the "verbal formulas" that can be found in a particular author, but rather living concepts, ie, those who reside not in things (sometimes surprising) that philosophers say, but where do the thinking, much as these latter are far more laborious to identify the first and require more rigor than a simple varnish. Are these living Deleuze's conce...read more


Book: A propósito de Deleuze

ISBN: 9788415894322
Precio de lista: $765.00
Descuento: 25%