Acción y conducta 

Thomas de Aquino y la teoría de la acción

Acción y conducta  - Stephen Brock - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 405 g

As a solid specialist in medieval philosophy and theology, Stephen Brock offers here a close reading of the theory of action according to Thomas showing, first, the originality of its reception and reebaloración of Aristotelian physics and metaphysics, and the other, suggesting that lead connecting lines of Thomistic philosophy to analytic philosophy today. Among other interesting attempts to discern the difference between the actions of entities that can not be attributed intention and actions guided by a certain will or intention. Very cautious conclusions, especially the character show surprisingly distinct from the Thomist theory of action._x000D_
The author starts from the premise that any theory of action is in ethics, which was not yet evident in Aristotle. The fine and nuanced connections between action and intention on the part of Thomas as central more


Book: Acción y conducta 

ISBN: 8425421039
Precio de lista: $680.00
Descuento: 50%