Una sociedad de señores

Una sociedad de señores - Mario Campaña - JUS
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Soft cover

"God, how good vassal if there was a great lord!" exclaims the famous verse of the 'Cantar de Mio Cid' when Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar departs towards exile. Many will hear in those words the echo of an archaic world, but is it only a distant echo? Indeed, everyone from the first gorilla to the last monkey, is now rights-assimilated citizens. However, the rumour of the past often becomes present as a roar, and many new prosperous raise their voices to claim the distinction that belongs to them. Social categories are transmuted into moral verdicts, culture (or creed) legitimizes the dialectic of master and slave. Maybe, as Campaign claims, the masters "never left." This work opens up a necessary debate about the true nature of our democracy.

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Política

Book: Una sociedad de señores

ISBN: 9786079409647
Precio de lista: $349.00
Descuento: 20%