Yi King. Libro de las mutaciones

Yi King. Libro de las mutaciones -  Anónimo - Olañeta
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essential text, ancient book of oracles and wisdom, used by both popular soothsayers as philosophers and statesmen prominent, influential in the formation of Taoism and Confucianism, Yi King or Book of Changes Chinese tradition is one of the fundamental books of universal culture.

The Yi King or Book of Changes is the most important work of Chinese tradition. King Yi originality lies in the unique combination in world literature, of divining figures and some philosophical texts of the utmost importance. Book of wisdom and oracles book, the Yi King goes back to a fabulous antiquity and has exerted a decisive influence on the mainstream of Chinese thought, as Taoism and Confucianism. The Yi King has been used for millennia in all levels of Chinese social life, from popular soothsayers to philosophers and statesmen most eminent. This edition presents the translation of the origina...read more

Category: All >> Religion >> Oriental

Book: Yi King. Libro de las mutaciones

ISBN: 9788497164504
Precio de lista: $1,050.00
Descuento: 25%