Iñigo Bolinaga Irasuegi was born in Elorrio (Bizkaia) in 1974. He has a degree in History, a diploma in Advanced Studies in Contemporary History, a master's degree in Journalism and a master's degree in Basque Studies. He is a collaborating professor at the University of Deusto at the Institute of Leisure Studies. As a writer, he is the author of numerous specialized articles, as well as successful works of historical dissemination such as A Brief History of Fascism, A Brief History of the Spanish Civil War, A Brief History of the Russian Revolution, A Brief History of the French Revolution, Mao's China: from Myth to Tiananmen and The Shining Link, as well as the breviaries Who was Ignatius of Loyola? and What was the role of the Basques in the Second World War? He is also the author of the fictionalized stories El Testamento and La alternativa Garat, and the historical novels Sinfonía Guerrera and Somos Comunión. He also has to his credit the historical-political essay La Gran Utopía. With Almuzara he has published: The war of fear.