Insa Sparrer studied mathematics, psychology in Munich and, since 1989, worked as a psychotherapist in private practice. She is married to Matthias Varga von Kibéd logical. Together they founded in 1996 the Institute SySt Systemic Education, Training and Research in Munich. There he taught along with other developed countries Systemic Structural Constellations. Its strengths include complimentary opposite of therapy in theory and practice - for example, the conversation and hypnotherapy or systemic constructivist approaches and phenomenological. Sparrer´s main teachers were Virginia Satir, Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg and Bert Hellinger, but has clearly distanced herself from them. Insa Sparrer works experimentally and developed the interview and therapy geometric solution without audible responses. His most important "Wunder", and "Solution und System" are available in English. She lives in Munich and work in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, in Piran and Abano Terme.