Autodidactas en bibliotecas

Autodidactas en bibliotecas - Ramón Salberría - Trea
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The word self takes us very far in time. But the self is here today. Not only in an isolated corner handedly carries practices of self-training. Not only to seek knowledge and joy, or you want to build. It is also the one who relies on others, on social networks, access to know where, how, knowledge about how to start, operate a tool, autonomously learn another way of doing. It is also required to be for a few hours that preclude access to formal or does not have a budget to cover the costs of training from the market sells courses. Also many people do not embonó with the customs of the school. From the first day that a library with public access, library and self-linked leave it opened. Not always the self has come to the public library (with its library, catalogs, facilities), but has often resorted to a library (their union, association). Any apparent in library history make more


Book: Autodidactas en bibliotecas

ISBN: 9788497045223
Precio de lista: $585.00
Descuento: 25%