Diálogos terapéuticos en la red social

Diálogos terapéuticos en la red social - Tom Erik Arnkill - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 395 g
Rustic with flaps

This book is an introduction to the dialogic interventions which describes and analyzes two of them: the open dialogues and anticipatory applicable dialogues within the framework of therapy and psychosocial work. Both models based on dialogic approach Mikhail Bakhtin, are the result of nearly two decades of research and efforts to promote dialogue between professional and private networks, in order to combine their resources. Open dialogues were developed for psychiatric crises situations, while anticipatory dialogues are located in more typical scenarios psychosocial work, where there are multiple support systems involved that are in a deadlock and confusion.

Although the book describes in great detail two specific interventions, many professionals find the ideas of the authors on the dialogic communication applicable to broader contexts of clinical practice, such as family th...read more


Book: Diálogos terapéuticos en la red social

ISBN: 9788425437748
Precio de lista: $1,005.00
Descuento: 30%