Dimensión narcisista de la personalidad

Dimensión narcisista de la personalidad - Juan Manzano - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 270 g

Every person lives at the same time in reality and beyond, in a virtual reality. The latter is the narcissistic personality dimension, which is subject only to the pleasure principle and the immediate satisfaction of desire. There is always, in varying proportions, narcissistic performance that coexists with a normal object function, which is an evolutionary split personality and defensive. The part object recognizes the reality and the difference between subject and object, the narcissist lives in a virtual reality, is governed by the pleasure principle and does not recognize the difference between subject and object is the narcissistic personality dimension. This book, which is enriched with clinical examples, proposes an original understanding of narcissism, pathological narcissistic organizations and its manifestation in psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic treatments.


Book: Dimensión narcisista de la personalidad

ISBN: 8425425431
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 30%