El Mensaje reencontrado

O el reloj de la noche y del día de Dios

El Mensaje reencontrado - Louis Cattiaux - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 840 g
Hard cover

The Message Rediscovered is a book that can speak both the heart and spirit and to understand it is only necessary to establish a true brotherhood with him, because in a sense, is a magical work that responds when the questions. But it also contains the mystery of man's knowledge is necessary to penetrate and grace. Here is a mystical initiation and are closely linked to the teaching of religion itself. This is not a new revelation to the fashion of our time, but the memory of the ancient tradition contained in the Scriptures.

Category: All >> Spirituality

Book: El Mensaje reencontrado

ISBN: 9788425426735
Precio de lista: $1,045.00
Descuento: 50%