Los Significados de la edad

Los Significados de la edad - Bernice L. Neugarten - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 475 g

Psychologist, researcher, teacher, women's advocate and writer, Bernice L. Neugarten has been defined as a pioneer in the field of adult development and aging. This volume, which covers more than forty years in the profession, brings together Neugarten's most important contributions in four areas: age as a dimension of social organization, the course of life, personality and adaptation of social policy. Each section has an introduction by an eminent authority in the area, which explains and highlights Neugarten's contributions in light of recent research in the field of gerontology. Neugarten The original formulations about the rules and limitations of age, changing meanings and their social implications, assess the capabilities and needs of individuals above the chronological age. The author's contributions in the field of adult development and play a key role in guiding policy plann...read more


Book: Los Significados de la edad

ISBN: 8425420903
Precio de lista: $1,090.00
Descuento: 50%