Misterio bufo y otras comedias

Misterio bufo y otras comedias - Dario Fo - Siruela
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Soft cover

The Academy awarded Dario Fo in 1997 with the Nobel Prize for Literature" for mocking power and restoring dignity to the oppressed in the purest tradition of medieval jugglerism. "Mystery bufo, Dario Fo's most famous work, is precisely the most significant text of his research
on the roots of popular theater. The pieces that compose it retake, in a grotesque key, the sacred representations in which the figure of the jester serves to Fo to expose the rot
or moral corruption in which the clergy lived during the papacy of Boniface VIII, or to parody the resurrection of Lazarus or the miracle of the wedding at Cana, which here become metaphors for our current reality.
The painters have no memories, There is no thief who does not come for good, The naked man and the man in tails, The dead are billed and the women undress and Where the heart bends, the foot walks are farce...read more


Book: Misterio bufo y otras comedias

ISBN: 9788498418439
Precio de lista: $835.00
Descuento: 25%