XUL Solar

Un Músico Visual, La Música en su vida y obra

XUL Solar - Cintia Cristiá - Gourmet musical
Publisher name: 
Gourmet musical
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Although he is known as one of the most important Argentine plastic artists, Xul Solar (1887-1963) displayed his creativity not exclusively through painting, but also working and deepening in numerous scientific disciplines, esoteric knowledge and artistic domains, among which music occupied a privileged place. This was a constant company throughout his life. From a young age he became interested in his studio and, as an artist, he experimented with the design of original instruments and systems of musical notation. However, music was not simply a parallel vocation in Xul but it was such a strong conceptual and iconographic influence on her pictorial work that the author of this book does not consider the artist as a painter interested in music, but as a "Visual musician". Musicologist Cintia Cristiá has dealt with the multiple interrelationships between music and life and the work of...read more

Category: All >> Music >> Art

Book: XUL Solar

ISBN: 9789872561451