Brox studied theology in Paderborn and Munich and Classical Studies and a PhD in New Testament exegesis. After several years as an assistant at the International Research Center for the basic questions of Sciences in Salzburg, he succeeded in 1966 as a non-priest to gain the teaching qualification at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Graz._x000D_
In 1969 he was appointed extraordinary professor of Catholic theology and religious education at the College of Munich. At the Catholic Faculty of the University of Regensburg, he has held since 1968 a lecturer in the subjects of ancient church history and patristics. After his amateur status by a conditional waiting period of six years it convened in 1973 on the faculty of the Department of Historical Theology, which consisted of him by then already represented subjects. This role, he could perceive until his retirement in 2000._x000D_
Brox 1993 was appointed to the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.