Haroldo de Campos (São Paulo, 1929-2003) was a poet, translator, critic and essayist Brazilian founder along with Augusto de Campos and Decio Pignatari concrete poetry movement. Professor emeritus at the PUC / SP and visiting professor at the Universities of Yale and Austin, among others. Recognized as one of the most important names of Brazilian literature, received Mexico's Octavio Paz Poetry and Essay Prize (1999), in France the Roger Caillois prize (1999) and in Brazil Jabuti Award (1991, 1992, 1994, 1999). His books of poetry quote "Servidão of Passage", "Xadrez Estrelas", "Star", "A Educação two Five Senses", "Yugen". The titles devoted to criticism include "Metalinguagem", "A Provável Art Horizonte do not", "A Text Operação do", "Ideogram".