Hippocrates of Cos (Greek:.... Ἱπποκράτης, Cos, c 460 BC - 370 BC Thessaly c) was an Ancient Greek physician who served during the so-called Age of Pericles. It is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine and many authors refer to it as the "father of medicine" in recognition of his significant and lasting contributions to this science as the founder of the school that bears his name. This intellectual school revolutionized medicine in ancient Greece, establishing it as a separate from other fields which had traditionally been associated (notably theurgy and philosophy), making the practice of medicine in a real professional discipline.
However, often intermixed medical discoveries Writers hippocraticum Corpus, the practitioners of Hippocratic medicine, and the actions of Hippocrates himself, so we know very little about what Hippocrates himself thought he wrote and actually did. Despite this uncertainty, Hippocrates is often depicted as the old medical paradigm. In particular, he is credited great progress in the systematic study of clinical medicine, gathering medical knowledge of previous schools, and prescribing medical practices historically important as the Hippocratic Oath and other works.
Not to be confused with Hippocrates of Chios, Greek mathematician of the V century. C., who was born on the island of Chios, not far from that of Cos, the most important milestone was the square a lune.