Publius Papinio Estacio (Latin Papinius Publius Statius, Naples, circa 45 - Rome, 96) was a Latin poet and teacher. He was the son of a native of Velia gentleman who lost his fortune and therefore ceased to belong to equestrian rank. He devoted himself to becoming a teacher, your students condemning corporal punishment. It was then established in Naples as a professor of rhetoric and devoted himself to poetry; Publius Papinio Estacio was born there, he moved to Rome in 69 d. C. to become a court poet. He began to recite his verses publicly and met Claudia, a widow whom he married and already had a daughter; it was music and was closely linked to the mundane life of Rome. The marriage did not give children but Estacio raised a slave as if it were, without being yet to adopt it. He led a life of a man of letters in the court of emperor Domitian. He was honored several times as such, in the Alban games in the Capitoline and Naples, before his father, 78 year From the year 95 sick and divided his time between Rome and Naples. Do not own any of their albums since 96 and it is plausible that died in Rome, leaving unfinished his book in the X Aquileida.