Richard Fisch is a psychiatrist who has practiced in Palo Alto since 1958 after making the specialty in the Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital, where Harry Stack Sullivan made his first works. In regard to their education, Fish appreciates the years he studied at the Institute of Science Bronx, New York ("I learned to learn") and Colby College in Maine, where his anthropology professor, Dr. Kingsley Birge , exerted an important influence on him. Fisch studied medicine at the School of Medicine in New York after a brief period at the School of Anthropology at Columbia University. Fisch was introduced into family therapy through courses conducted in 1960 with Virginia Satir at the Mental Research Institute. He was appointed Research Fellow in 1961 and later senior research member. In 1966, along with colleagues at the Institute, John Weakland and Paul Watzlawick, Fisch created the clinical research project, the Brief Therapy Center, which still keeps running.