Josep M. Lozano

Josep M. Lozano

He is Professor of Social Sciences at ESADE (URL) and senior researcher at the Institute CSR Social Innovation, ESADE (URL). His areas of interest are: CSR and business ethics; values ​​and leadership in organizations; and spirituality, human quality and management. His books include: Ethics and Company (Trotta, 1999, also published in Catalan and English); Governments and social responsibility of the company (2005, also published in English and Chinese); Individual, Business and Society (2005) and After the CSR. The social responsibility of the company in the eyes of its stakeholders Spain (2007). Along with Angel Castiñeira, a regular contributor to La Vanguardia. He has won several journalism awards; , the MSD-Forética research in business ethics award Joan Sarda Dexeus the award for best book of business economics; and religious Eiximenis prize essay. He also was recognized as Highly Commended runner-up in the Faculty Pioneer Award from the European Academy of Business in Society and the Aspen Institute. On its website ( maintains an active blog entitled Individual, Business and Society.