Maybe it was the wisest Islamic scholar, whom the crucial turning point in the interpretation of Islam and the decisive contribution to the dialogue between cultures is due. He was the advocate of hospitality to migrants from poor countries. His life was given to this dialogue and hospitality and the defense of human rights and the creation of a true international law. Along with Lawrence of Arabia was, since 1917, the staunchest defender of the word given by the West to the Arabs and the first to denounce the Balfour Declaration and has become the promoter of dialogue between Jews and Palestinians, Christians and Muslims. It was also the first to write about the civil defense of truth by Gandhi, would take as a mode of behavior in its many public events, in which he brought together the Parisian intelligentsia during the conflicts in Algeria, Palestine and French decolonization in Asia. He taught at the College de France; Director of Studies at the Practical School of Higher Studies in Paris; Director of various publications and founded several associations; Free teacher and advisor to the Maghreb in Paris; Member of the Academies of the Arabic language and multiple European; regular participant of the talks 'Eranos'; creator of the Institute of Iranian Studies and friend of Asin Palacios, García Gómez Hernández Cruz or addition to inspiring the conciliar texts on Islam and the attitude towards it of Pius XI, John XXIII and Paul VI. Its enormous written work include: La Passion d'Al-Hallâj (1922), Essai sur les origines du lexicon technique of mystique en pays d'Islam (1922), Annuaire du monde Muslim (1926), Treaty of inédits textes (1929), Al-Diwan d'Hallâj (1931) and Opera Minora (1969) as well as Science of compassion. Writings on Islam, the mystical language and Abrahamic Faith (1999) and The word given (2005), published in the same Publisher.