El Ayuno terapéutico Buchinger

Una experiencia para el cuerpo y el espíritu

El Ayuno terapéutico Buchinger - Françoise  Wilhelmi de Toledo - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 375 g

Buchinger Therapeutic Fasting is a comprehensive approach that permits renewed, purified and lose weight healthily. Each year two million people opt for this cure heals abase of teas, vegetable broth and xumos, which provides the body with a huge potential for vitality and energy. Besides beneficial effects, prophylactic and curative-to elcuerpo, this whole concept of ayunoterapia also includes a spiritual dimension and provides new impetus to mental activity and emotional life. With this book the reader can start the practice of fasting in their own home through an elaborate program of seven days. Concise instructions and tips guide you every day and orientrán about how to live optimally experience. Also, the book is the ideal companion wing pair stay in a clinic Buchinger. The stories of people who have a cure any of these institutions, including Carmen Sevilla, testify how fast ter...read more


Book: El Ayuno terapéutico Buchinger

ISBN: 8425423392
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 50%