El Hombre doliente

Fundamentos antropológicos de la psicoterapia

El Hombre doliente - Viktor E. Frankl - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 395 g

This work presents a comprehensive picture Frankl, but well-articulated, the man who far outstrips the usual anthropological models inspired by psychoanalysis, learning theory or behaviorism and goes into the specifically human dimension of the phenomenon. The book includes, besides Homo patiens (1950, testing a patodicea), another early work of Frankl: Lessons metaclínicas (1949), which appeared under the title Man unconditioned. More recent work also includes the "border area between psychotherapy and philosophy"-issues like "the question of meaning," "sex" and "sport" - and the lecture given in 1983 at the Third International Congress logotherapy held at the University of Regensburg, which appears here with the significant title the case for a tragic optimism.


Book: El Hombre doliente

ISBN: 8425415403
Precio de lista: $880.00
Descuento: 30%