La Intervención estratégica en los contextos educativos

Comunicación y |problem-solving| para los problemas escolares

La Intervención estratégica en los contextos educativos - Giorgio Nardone - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 275 g

The book is presented as a complete and detailed manual of the strategic approach in educational contexts: an operational tool for teachers, educators and social workers, which provides guidance on what to do and how to deal effectively and in a short time the most frequent problems in the world of school. The authors introduce the reader with clarity in the analysis of what can be defined as ï ¿½ the art of solving complex problems (apparently) by simple solucionesï ¿½. The work offers a careful reflection on the formation, persistence and resolution of common problems in complex systems such as educational contexts. How come behavioral problems in school? What specific modalities through which an initial difficulty becomes a difficult problem? Why do half of what behavior problems continue to exist? Very useful for psychologists, teachers, psycho-social operators, for their clear, more


Book: La Intervención estratégica en los contextos educativos

ISBN: 8425423775
Precio de lista: $600.00
Descuento: 30%