Modelos de familia 

Modelos de familia  - Giorgio Nardone - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 215 g

This work first provides a modern family definition increasingly characterized as "nuclear", and the fact that children have no hurry to separate from parents and organize their lives independently. The central theme is the problems of adolescence, which may be more severe in the current model family because the relationships of dependence and complementarity counter tend to drag on. In this sense, the authors even speak of a prolonged adolescence, sometimes up to 30 years. Exposure of the problems that may occur in the relationship between parents and children is organized as a useful classification of the various models of interaction. As an illustration of each model are included case studies that allow in practice and despite individual differences, it can detect a relatively narrow range of behavior patterns. This classification helps to reflect the focus of brief therapy for more


Book: Modelos de familia 

ISBN: 8425423325
Precio de lista: $565.00
Descuento: 30%