La comunicación global del patrimonio cultural

Del marco teórico al estudio de casos

La comunicación global del patrimonio cultural - Santos M. Mateos Rusillo - Trea
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In global communication of cultural heritage reflects on the elements that encourage the full democratization of access to our cultural heritage and analyzed from a multidisciplinary perspective, issues such as the interpretation, teaching and means to ensure the full emotional and intellectual accessibility cultural heritage, without impairing the scientific soundness. Realities such as preventive diffusion which allows balancing use and preservation-, advertising, graphic communications or public relations which provide effective connection between potential users and activated heritage resources, ensuring the maximization of human resources and materials-or the increasingly important role of information technology and communication are addressed from a global communicative vision. The theoretical and analytical look at these aspects directs the work is carried out with an updated more


Book: La comunicación global del patrimonio cultural

ISBN: 9788497043748
Precio de lista: $1,545.00
Descuento: 25%