Cómo obtener un doctorado

Manual para estudiantes y tutores

Cómo obtener un doctorado - Estelle M. Phillips - Gedisa
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This real lifesaver for students drowning in the swirling information, data and chaotic readings you back to solid ground and begin working at home with the right direction, without wasting energy or lose heart.
The book provides a clear definition of what must be the spirit of a doctorate, gives valuable tips and very realistic about research strategies. Among the topics there are many who are often neglected and in practice are very important, as the most profitable use of time or good communication with tutors.
Some of the tips helps overcome specific obstacles that PhD students are at a disadvantage, as women, foreigners or part-time students.
This manual is also directed to tutors, who provides important suggestions on the best methods to guide students.
"The Book of Phillips and Pugh has become (...) indisputably the bible for doctoral students'
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Book: Cómo obtener un doctorado

ISBN: 9788474327472
Precio de lista: $980.00
Descuento: 20%