Mario Martín Gijón (Villanueva de la Serena, 1979) is a Doctor of Philology. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of the Sorbonne and taught at the universities of Marburg (Germany) and Brno (Czech Republic). He currently teaches at the University of Extremadura. He specializes in the Spanish literature of the twentieth century, with particular attention to the writers of Republican exile 1939. Among his recent publications can be highlighted books A poetry of presence. José Herrera Peter in surrealism, war and exile (Award "Gerardo Diego" Literary Research, Pre-Texts, 2009), Between fantasy and commitment. The narrative and dramatic work of Jose Herrera Peter (Renaissance, 2010) and The (anti) intellectual right in Spain. Gimenez Caballero Jimenez Losantos (RBA, 2011). It has also been responsible for the critical edition of the narrative of exile of José Herrera Peter (Provincial de Guadalajara, 2008-2011).