"On Friday, April 16, 1943, I had to stop mid afternoon my lab work and go home [...] I went to bed and fell into a not unpleasant intoxicated state, which characterized by a highly animated fantasy. In a state of semi-darkness, eyes closed [...] I constantly penetrated fantastic images of extraordinary plasticity and a game of intense colors. [...] ". Albert Hofmann describes the first LSD trip, probably the most important find of the century psychopharmacological for its cultural and social consequences. Unaware that he had just discovered one of the foundation stones of the hippie movement and, unwittingly, was contributing to a countercultural revolution of the songs of the Beatles and the Doors to the aesthetics of Andy Warhol, would remove PROFUN-mately the foundations of traditional society of the West. On the pages of the history of LSD, a classic of literature on drugs, parad...read more