Volume 2 of Fields of Action includes tests Shinichiro Osaki, Hubert Klocker and Guy Brett. In "The body and space: the action in the Japanese postwar art" Shinichiro Osaki is a review of Japanese art of the fifties and sixties, as governed by needs and contextual concerns own without bias or Western theories movement. In Japanese artistic production of that period the artist's relationship with the action became important with the Gutai group based in Tokyo and Osaka and groups of artists derivatives exposures Yomiuri Indépendant, held in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Tokyo.
Hubert Klocker in his text "The expression and the object. Aktion release as: a European component of performance art "speaks of the ephemeral art action and their different levels of reception and registration forms, where their presence is transmitted through media and residual objects. Klocker also ...read more