La esperanza

La esperanza - Francesco Alberoni - Gedisa
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Hope to build enough with a generous heart and a free mind. Among all the virtues that illuminate our life and constitute the foundation of society, the most important is hope. Without it, who dare to carry out an action is? Who would have the courage to face an unknown, uncertain and unpredictable future? How can we even conceive the invention, art, beauty, friendship or love without a beacon that illuminates the way we draw on the horizon? Hope means having the courage to think with confidence in a morning without his presence, we would be presented only as a place of anxiety, mystery or danger. On the contrary, illuminated by hope, the world becomes a realm of infinite possibilities.

With this book, Francesco Alberoni resumes its work in recognition of the values ​​of our time started with works of great international success as Values ​​Have courage and optimism. According more


Book: La esperanza

ISBN: 9788474329032
Precio de lista: $345.00
Descuento: 20%