Thibaut y las raíces clásicas del romanticismo

Thibaut y las raíces clásicas del romanticismo - Antonio Pau - Trotta
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Thibaut (1772-1840) is one of the great educators of Europe. In the field of law he spread the values of freedom, equality and human dignity, and advocated a new way of making laws: clear, precise, understandable, orderly. In the field of music he regained the polyphony of the great Renaissance masters at a time when Romanticism seemed to forget tradition. Mendelssohn, Schumann and many other composers of the nineteenth century are not explicable without Thibaut. He is also due to the orientation of sacred music in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It was by conviction and temperament, a man of his time, Romanticism, but not forget? and did not forget his contemporaries? the classic roots of the culture of his time.

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Book: Thibaut y las raíces clásicas del romanticismo

ISBN: 9788498793161
Precio de lista: $830.00
Descuento: 25%