Una muerte feliz

Una muerte feliz - Hans  Küng - Trotta
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For the Christian believer has been imposed so far without discussion the prohibition of suicide. However, argues Hans Küng, a happy death traffic is founded on deep respect for the infinitely precious life of every person and has nothing to do with an unhappy arbitrary suicide. Well, if we all have a responsibility for our lives, why should cease that responsibility in its last phase? Just as Christian who believes in eternal life, Hans Küng makes a new call for the right of everyone to responsibly decide the time and manner of his death.
After Dying with dignity (Trotta, 2010), this "little book" highly personal stems from the will, as stated by the author in the preface to "contribute to a process of continuous debate" on the controversial issue of euthanasia, providing the voice theologian, "himself an existential way affected by this problem." The first-person testi...read more

Category: All >> Theology

Book: Una muerte feliz

ISBN: 9788498796322
Precio de lista: $595.00
Descuento: 25%