De la Coca Cola al Arte Boludo

De la Coca Cola al Arte Boludo - Luis Camnitzer - Ediciones Metales pesados
Publisher name: 
Ediciones Metales pesados
Year of publication: 

This edition titled From Coca-Cola to Boludo Art, brings together a series of texts produced by Luis Camnitzer from the sixties to the present.
 In each talks about art, but from multiple inputs, deconstructing the ways we understand the art system, its power networks and the impact that has had the market in its gears. The perspective takes the issue-from colonial OUTPUTS key to possible moves in parallel with the trajectory of the author, emphasizing his experience in the artistic field late sixties to its current deployment.
 This book is reluctant to set a specific hypothesis about the visual arts, aims to become a place of reflection for anyone interested in thinking
 its position on the art system from the American space, or rather, from the awkward and at the same time, productive colonial relationship means being located outside the centers of power and significance.


Book: De la Coca Cola al Arte Boludo

ISBN: 9789568415259