Comunidad pascual

Comunidad pascual - Luis Antonio Tagle - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 200 g
Rustic with flaps

In this book the Cardinal Tagle reformulates the idea of ​​the Church as a community and as a witness of hope in the world.

This book contains reflections, simple and sincere, Cardinal Tagle on the value of the Christian community, to help generate love, faith, hope and unity in a world marked by disappointment, fragmentation, exclusion and violence. Tagle reformulates the idea of ​​the Church as a community and as a witness of hope in the world. Through personal stories and pastoral example, shows how these true Christian communities people can find peace and fulfillment craved.

"I have titled this book Paschal Community because Easter is a special time of hope. Hope, which can lead to visions and dreams, it seems to be the most essential element of the community. [...] As Easter people, we hope to share the light of Easter and thus dissipate the darkness of alienation more

Category: All >> Religion >> Christianity

Book: Comunidad pascual

ISBN: 9788425437779
Precio de lista: $505.00
Descuento: 30%