Winnicott y la perspectiva relacional en el psicoanálisis

Winnicott y la perspectiva relacional en el psicoanálisis - Francesc Sáinz Bermejo - Herder
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Book size:
Weight: 350 g
Rustic with flaps

Winnicott was a celebrated pediatrician, psychiatrist and English psychoanalyst, who contributed decisively, along with Ferenczi and others, to the progress of psychoanalysis after Freud. Winnicott conceptualized on creativity and transitional experiences, the false self in relation to the true, the psychosomatic unit and, especially, the interaction of the child with his adult caregivers. According to Sáinz, he was one of the pioneers of today called relational psychoanalysis, which he prefers to refer to as "the relational perspective in psychoanalysis".

The author offers us in this book an elaboration of the theoretical contributions of Winnicott and its applications in psychotherapy. It tells us about the role of psychoanalysis (in its relational meaning) to bring life back to the person who no longer inhabits itself, how to repair damaged primary narcissism, to live the more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: Winnicott y la perspectiva relacional en el psicoanálisis

ISBN: 9788425439216
Precio de lista: $905.00
Descuento: 30%