Tania Romo González (Xalapa, Ver., 1977) is a biochemical pharmaceutical chemist from the Universidad Veracruzana and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from Unam. She is a full-time researcher at the Biological Research Institute of the Universidad Veracruzana, as well as coordinator of the Biology and Integral Health area. His lines of research are psychoneuroimmunology and lifestyles in relation to health and well-being. She is also a teacher within this university in the area of Integral Training, where she carries out the Educational Experience "Self-knowledge and care of the soul", from which this Manual for the care of the soul is derived. He has participated in numerous national and international publications with articles and chapters on care and health of body and mind. Among his books are Comprehensive workshop on drug use prevention (2011) in co-author with Rocío Balderas and Guide for healthy human development in university students (2012) in conjunction with Beatriz Enriquez Hernandez.
Raquel González Ochoa (Huatusco, Ver., 1988) is a psychologist and currently holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from the Universidad Veracruzana. For five years she has been trained as a researcher and Projects on prevention and promotion Health and well-being of people. She has also participated as facilitator of workshops on self-care and healthy human relations, among which is "Self-knowledge and care of the soul" in collaboration with Tania Romo. She is also the academic coordinator of the diplomas "Human Development" and "Emotional Pedagogy and psychoeducational models for integral formation". In co-author with Tania Romo participated in the publication El Gran Giro. Waking up to the blossoming of the Land of Adrián Villaseñor Galarza (2015).