Professor of Psychology of Memory and co-director of the Unit for Experimental Psychology of the Autonomous University of Madrid, is a pioneer in Spain in the field of psychology of testimony. During his long academic career he has studied the functioning of memory and the power of suggestion to distort it. Since 1983 he has published national and international articles on the memory of witnesses in journals in psychology and law, as well as the books Forensic Psychology (1993), False Memories (1997) and Photographic Identification and Recognition Wheel (2014) . It has transferred the scientific results to the professional activity, being in 1991 the first psychologist who acted in a trial in our country as an experimental forensic expert, and since then has intervened in multiple judicial processes of wheel identification and credibility of declarations of Alleged minor victims of sexual abuse. Likewise, it has contributed to the formation of several promotions of judges and prosecutors, through courses of initial formation and of continuous formation.